Please see below comms from Cardinia Shire Council:
Dear All,
The Premier has today announced that Victoria’s lockdown will be extended for a further 14 days. This means that the current settings, with some further changes, will remain in place until 11:59pm, Thursday 2 September.
For the full statement from the Premier visit: For further information from DHHS on restrictions and exposure sites visit: curfew from 9pm to 5am will come into effect from 9pm tomorrow night, August 17.
The five reasons to leave home remain in place outside of this time. Exercise and shopping are still limited to 5km from your home. If there’s no shops in your 5km radius, you can travel to the closest to you. You are also able to travel more than 5km to get a vaccine.
You must also wear a mask at all times when leaving your home (unless you have an exemption):
Shopping for necessary goods and services (one person, once per day)
Caregiving or compassionate reasons
Authorised work or permitted education
Exercise (up to two hours, with one other person from the same household, plus dependents if they cannot be left unattended)
Receive a vaccination
All of Cardinia Shire Council sporting facilities (including pavilions) remain closed. Outdoor playgrounds, skateparks, basketball courts and outdoor gym equipment will also be closed until further notice.
With pavilion and club house access not available, it is expected that all clubs and committees continue to seek alternate options for committee meetings (virtual meetings).
No clubs are permitted to return to any use, training or competition, until the state government restrictions allow and Council has provided approval. No club or committee members are permitted to enter any Council buildings for any reasons.
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Recreation Team on the details below. If clubs or club members require any support, please contact Council on 1300 787 624.
Any questions or concerns, please call the above number or contact me via the comments on this post or on 0447245099. Happy to provide any clarification or seek further information.
Thanks and sorry for any inconvenience
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